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Health Tips & Tricks Inside & Out

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So it’s that time of year when the New Year’s resolutions start to fade and everyone decides it’s time to start indulging on Valentine’s Day delights. This time of year can be the hardest to stay true to New Year’s resolutions and making healthy adjustments to your life aren’t always as easy as they sound. We wanted to start sharing ideas of healthy tips (with all honesty about the challenges they sometimes bring) to make it easier for incorporating them daily. Lets get the trends going in the right direction and it will become a lot easier.




Trick #1: Flush your insides so your outside shines!

This time of year when the air is extra dry is, no hidden secret to this tip, DRINK MORE WATER. We all know it’s true but increasing the amount of water you drink everyday is sometimes easier than said. If you are anything like me your coffee in the morning is something no one is to mess with! What I find tricky is after coffee when my thirst feels quenched. Then mid-day comes the irritable caffeine crash & cranky-ness, which stems from just being dehydration. This trend is easy to fall into and important to break to start your day off with a sustainable mood and mindset.


Tip: I find filling up a large glass of water along with my coffee in the morning and bringing it up to my desk right from the get go helps a lot. To get into the trend of doing this, think double fist every time you drink a coffee, have a glass of water in your other hand ready for after. That way after you savor each sip of coffee until the end, there staring you in the eyes in a reminder of the new trend you are trying to set. Give this a try this for a week & I guarantee you will notice a difference and your midday mood will be noticeably different. Throughout the day it’s also been proven often time when people are craving to snack, if they drink a full 8 oz water, their craving disappears.



Trick #2: Be kind to yourself

This one sounds like silly, but if you’re anything like me, being a perfectionist can certainly be a valuable trait, while also becoming your worst enemy at times. I recently took a mindfulness class, and although I resisted the idea at first I found to be extremely refreshing. With our technology driven world, we never really take time to be in the now and appreciate others and ourselves. We learned that acknowledging yourself for who you are, go or bad, and simply not judging can bring an extremely peaceful mindset. Not sweating the small stuff can bring more calmness than you even think. 


Tip: Try to make time in your day to (around 15 minutes) to be present. Simple, no technology. Absolutely ZERO! Putting it all away and taking time to look out a beautiful view, breath deeply or just simply reflect about what you are grateful for about yourself for other in your life and what they do for you. Don’t let ‘being too busy’ to be an excuse for this. I found setting an alarm on your phone is really helpful. If you do this for a week, you truly will notice a difference.



Those are my two tips/resolutions I am working on! What do you like to do to improve your health/mindset?? Any tips you find helpful??

 Xx Sintillia

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